Enable online signature for COVID Disclosures on Schedulock:

1. Navigate to your Brokerage Settings -> Manage Brokerage -> General -> Edit Brokerage Details

2. Turn on the "COVID-19 Schedulock Online Signature For Online Bookings"

 The Online Signature option allows Co-op agents with the ability to sign the COVID-19 form online while they are booking on the MLS. Once enabled, a signed document will be generated and provided to the listing agent and co-op agents.

The online signature link will also be provided to the Co-op agent on their "Sent" email as well as their "confirmed" email. 

The comment "COVID Disclosure Signed through Schedulock" will be added to the Comments section of the appointment to determine if the document has been signed for that appointment. You will be able to view and download all of these signed documents on your listing page under Documents